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While it still remains to be seen whether or not college football will go on in the fall due to the coronavirus pandemic, that doesn’t change the high expectations surrounding the UNC program—which is currently in the midst of an enormous transformation.

The Tar Heels’ co-defensive coordinator and linebackers coach, Tommy Thigpen, met with the media via Zoom earlier this week where he discussed what’s helped this team rise from the ashes into where it is now.

Football Digital Art - Digital Art Resources North Carolina Football

Thigpen–who was a standout linebacker for head coach Mack Brown during Brown’s first stint with the Tar Heels and also on the staff of former head coach Larry Fedora–credited his boss for injecting a new energy into the building.

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In less than two years, UNC has gone from the bottom of the ACC to now being one of the league’s biggest threats. After going 7-6 in 2019, selling out every home game and earning the school’s first bowl win since 2013, the Tar Heels are heading into 2020 with almost all of its top contributors returning.

In addition, the current recruiting class for 2021 is ranked No. 3 in the entire country behind only Ohio State and Tennessee according to 24/7 Sports.

“Everything is really coordinated and organized, ” Thigpen said. “It’s not by accident that we’re doing well in recruiting, as well as getting the new facilities then the crowd sizes and the new markets. That’s all Mack. That’s the part I didn’t see as a player was how he acted with the organization of the team.”

Unc Football In The Midst Of A Complete Transformation Heading Into 2020 Season

Thigpen added that part of what makes Brown special is the way he genuinely cares about all the people he’s involved with. Whether it’s players, coaches or recruits, there’s a real effort to build connections that go beyond just the football field—creating a sense of comfort for everyone.

Also involved with that is Brown’s ability to capture his audience’s attention like no other, a skill that became even greater during a five-year stint at ESPN between getting fired at Texas and returning to the helm in Chapel Hill.

UNC Football In The Midst Of A Complete Transformation Heading Into 2020 Season - Digital Art Resources North Carolina Football

“How do you hold 10 or 15 million people from changing the channel?” Thigpen said. “I think he has mastered that. Because every time he speaks, the players, the coaches, the organization, we’re all tuned in to everything he says. And it’s always different. He’s always changing it up.”

Transformational Gift To Support Tar Heel Football Program Is A Family Affair

When you look at the 2019 season for the Tar Heels, the biggest takeaway on the field was the emergence of star quarterback Sam Howell, whose 38 touchdown passes set the all-time FBS record for a true freshman. Without Brown’s influence, it’s likely Howell never flips his commitment from Florida State to UNC.

Thigpen noted the similarity to when he played for Brown, as he joined a team that had just went 1-10 before a series of stellar recruiting classes completely turned the program around.

 - Digital Art Resources North Carolina Football

The same thing that happened back then, appears to be resurfacing now—reinforcing the idea that UNC football has always been a sleeping giant waiting for the right people to wake it back up.

North Carolina Football: 2018 Tar Heels Preview And Prediction

“What he did do was keep bringing us better and better football players, ” Thigpen said. “And that’s the cure-all. When you keep bringing in better football players, your program is gonna change—and then have that culture where the kids stay around and help promote your program. That’s the difference.

“You see the recruiting has changed, you see the better players that are on the board, ” he added. “Now we have to develop them, so that we can, each year, build up on the progress from the year before.”

 - Digital Art Resources North Carolina Football

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Kenan Memorial Stadium Map Art

When you look at the 2019 season for the Tar Heels, the biggest takeaway on the field was the emergence of star quarterback Sam Howell, whose 38 touchdown passes set the all-time FBS record for a true freshman. Without Brown’s influence, it’s likely Howell never flips his commitment from Florida State to UNC.

Thigpen noted the similarity to when he played for Brown, as he joined a team that had just went 1-10 before a series of stellar recruiting classes completely turned the program around.

 - Digital Art Resources North Carolina Football

The same thing that happened back then, appears to be resurfacing now—reinforcing the idea that UNC football has always been a sleeping giant waiting for the right people to wake it back up.

North Carolina Football: 2018 Tar Heels Preview And Prediction

“What he did do was keep bringing us better and better football players, ” Thigpen said. “And that’s the cure-all. When you keep bringing in better football players, your program is gonna change—and then have that culture where the kids stay around and help promote your program. That’s the difference.

“You see the recruiting has changed, you see the better players that are on the board, ” he added. “Now we have to develop them, so that we can, each year, build up on the progress from the year before.”

 - Digital Art Resources North Carolina Football

  does not charge subscription fees. You can support local journalism and our mission to serve the community.  Contribute today  – every single dollar matters.

Kenan Memorial Stadium Map Art

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Psychology ranks among the top three majors at the undergraduate level, and with good reason. Psychology students can go on to have lucrative careers in a variety of fields, from clinical practice to business, education, sports, and more. Careers in psychology are highly competitive, which begs the question: what job can you get with a psychology degree?

The “best” psychology degree jobs are dependent on your passions and interests, as well as which degree you pursue. In some professions, you can get started with just an associate or bachelor’s degree, while others require a graduate degree or higher. So, what can you do with a psychology degree? Let’s run through some of your options.

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History Degree Guide: 2023 Costs, Requirements & Job Opportunities

Few fields are as far-reaching as psychology, which is excellent news for those wondering what to do with a psychology degree. This discipline requires mastery in a variety of topics, including sociology, behavioral research, medical science, and even legal issues.

Typically, you’ll need a doctoral degree in psychology in order to build a career as a clinically practicing psychologist, but a therapist can often hold a successful career in different fields with lesser (and less expensive!) degrees. Some examples include:

These examples aren’t even the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the possible psychology degree jobs open to you. Let’s look at each degree option to answer the question of what job can you get with a psychology degree.

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An associate psychology degree is an excellent option if you’re looking to get some entry-level experience while deciding what career you ultimately want to pursue, or before entering a higher degree program. Though most psychology jobs require at least a bachelor’s degree, there are several career options for students with an Associate of Arts (AA) or Associate of Science (AS) degree in psychology.

You can often use your associate degree in psychology to start your career in mental health as a behavioral health technician. These professionals assist a larger team of medical and psychology practitioners to support patients with mental and emotional disorders.

While full-fledged pharmacists must undergo extensive schooling, you can often begin work as a pharmacy technician with just an associate degree. This job allows you to prepare medications under the guidance and direction of the supervising pharmacist, as well as assist with the required recordkeeping for prescriptions and patient information.

What You Need To Know About Becoming A Psychology Major

As a home health or personal care aide, you’ll assist patients with chronic illnesses, disabilities, or other conditions, helping them with their daily living tasks. Often, you only need a high school diploma for entry into this position, but an associate degree in psychology will give you a stronger foundation and knowledge base to better support your clients. You might work in a patient’s home or at a group residential facility.

When thinking of what job you can get with a psychology degree, an office manager might not come to mind—but it’s a position that requires a deep understanding of human behavior and an ability to successfully work with all types of personalities. There are several office management positions that you can find with an associate psychology degree, from bookkeeping/accounting clerks to administrative assistants.

A CNA is an excellent entry-level career with an associate psychology degree. As a nursing assistant or orderly, you’ll often work in a hospital, nursing home, or residential care facility, where you’ll help patients with several basic tasks and daily living necessities. This might include bathing and hygiene, meals, monitoring vital signs, and more.

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You don’t need a degree in criminal justice to work as a correctional officer—in fact, a psychology associate degree can offer a great foundation to work with prison inmates living in a mentally and emotionally distressing environment. Your education can help you understand inmates’ behavior and respond accordingly. You may be supervising group activities or rehab programs or be responsible for assessing and recommending activities or facilities that will improve inmates’ mental health.

If you’re thinking about starting a career in education, becoming a teacher’s assistant is a great way to get your foot in the door before committing to a full four-year bachelor’s program. An associate degree in psychology can prepare you for the challenges and rewards of working with students of all ages. You’ll help your supervising teacher with everything from lesson planning to recordkeeping to supply maintenance, as well as helping students with their work and supervising them during group activities.

Associate psychology degree holders can often find entry-level positions as research assistants, particularly in the different fields within the social sciences. A research assistant will help with such tasks as lab studies, surveys, publication preparation and more. This can also be a great way to get fieldwork experience before entering a bachelor’s or master’s degree program.

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A family advocate is a type of social service specialist that offers support, mediation, and education to families with children who are often in mentally or emotionally stressful situations. They may be exposed to substance abuse, mental illness, physical abuse, and other traumas, and your job is to advocate in their best interests. With an associate degree, your tasks may be more administrative (client intake, conducting interviews, coordinating resources, etc.), but this could be a good way to get experience in social work before moving into a bachelor’s program.

A youth counselor is very similar to a family advocate, with a closer focus on providing one-on-one support to the children and adolescents in their care. As a youth counselor, you’ll offer mentorship and assistance to kids in your community that may be considered “at risk.” This could include helping with homework after school, supervising extra-curricular activities or social events, or being available for mental and emotional support whenever your client needs help. An associate degree in psychology is very desirable for this profession.

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A bachelor’s degree in psychology is often the minimum educational requirement for many employers in the psychology and social work fields, making it a good option if you’re still trying to figure out what job you can get with a psychology degree. Becoming a psychologist or counselor is one of the most popular psychology degree jobs, there are many career paths you can pursue with a bachelor’s degree in psychology. In fact, the wide variety of options open to psychology degree holders may surprise you—only about one quarter of psychology undergraduates end up working in psychology or a closely-related field.

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Other common psychology degree jobs for those with a BA or BS include roles in human and social services and education. If you’re wondering what to do with a psychology degree at the bachelor level, check out these ten popular careers.

As a social services or mental health case manager, you’ll do extensive interviewing and documentation for clients that pass through your doors. You’ll be responsible for evaluating and coordinating your client’s treatment support, including filing health insurance forms, scheduling and documenting medical appointments, and following up with your clients and their families on how treatment is progressing.

Also sometimes called rehabilitation counselors, a rehabilitation specialist helps patients with behavioral, psychological, developmental, or other disabilities. You’ll assist them with tasks that will eventually lead to them being able to live independently, and you may also be responsible for coordinating their care plan between multiple medical and/or mental health professionals. Though a bachelor’s degree in rehabilitation counseling and/or disability studies is often accepted for an entry-level position, many rehab specialists go on to earn a master’s in psychology and become licensed rehab therapists.

Building A Career In Industrial Organizational Psychology

You can also use your bachelor’s in psychology to begin a career as a psychiatric technician. These professionals offer therapeutic support to patients with a variety of mental, emotional, and behavioral conditions or disabilities, typically under the supervision of a licensed psychiatrist. You may administer medications, lead patient groups in recreational activities, handle admissions and discharges, and assist with daily living tasks as required.

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Working in Human Resources often requires much patience, empathy, and understanding of different personal behaviors and motivations. As such, it’s one of the top psychology degree jobs you can get with a bachelor’s degree. As an HR manager, you’re very much a jack of all trades. You’ll be responsible for coordinating your company’s personnel and administrative functions, including hiring and separation practices, company benefits, employee salaries, regulatory compliance, and mediation of any inter-office issues.

Sometimes called an operations manager, a business administrator touches all aspects of a company’s day-to-day operations. As such, a psychology bachelor’s degree—particularly in business psychology—is of great benefit. You’ll have a deep understanding of human behavior as it pertains to business relationships, allowing you to make critical decisions that affect not only your company’s bottom line, but also your team’s morale and productivity. Your bachelor’s degree in psychology will apply to nearly every industry, giving you a wide berth to pursue your passions.

What Can You Do With A Psychology Degree? 25 Career Options To Choose From In 2023

School counselors can put their bachelor’s psychology degrees to good use by